Rise Within Retreats



Welcome to our 2024 Retreats

4 Different Experiences to Rise Within this Year as Women...

AND for the 1st time

with your special someone!

Staying Red Retreat

Where: Northern Utah (Salt Lake City Area)

When: April 3rd - April 6th, 2024

Who its For: All Women Welcome

What It's About: One Weekend to learn the tools to unlock your inner power and live freely in you full self!

A New Chapter: Beautiful Buffalo Retreat

Where: Iceland

When: June 4-9th, 2024

Who its For: Women in the Journey of Divorce

What It's About: A Week to transform from wanting to feel chosen to fully choosing yourself.

Choosing You in Iceland Retreat

Where: Iceland

When: June 10th - June 15th, 2024

Who its For: All Women Welcome

What It's About: Celebrate You with A Week of being Worth it... Walk away with a KNOWING of yourself, so that you prioritize YOU more powerfully!

Good to Great Relationship Retreat

Where: TBD in Utah

When: TBD

Who its For: Couples in a Good Place and Ready Expand Further

What It's About: For the 1st time EVER Rise Within Couples Celebrate what you already have and find secrets to take it to a whole new level

What Attendees Say About Their Retreat Experiences

"It makes me tear up to think about these women.

We only knew each other for 3 days, but the relationships will last for years. That's what happens when you meet heart to heart."

"The bond I have with these ladies will be strong forever!

Each changed my life in such a significant way. I'm so grateful for the retreat and the other strong women that took the leap!"

"To say this time together blew me WIDE open and literally changed the trajectory of my life would be an understatement. I am beyond grateful,or this opportunity."

"It makes me tear up to think about these women.We only knew each other for 3 days, but the relationships will last for years. That's what happens when you meet heart to heart."

"To say this time together blew me WIDE open and literally changed the trajectory of my life would be an understatement. I am beyond grateful,or this opportunity."


I first began creating retreats because I love new experiences

and feel I am a natural gatherer of great people.

And... when I meet great people,

I want them to experience the powerful places and experiences that have changed my life.

Each of my retreats are about rising within yourself...

Whether that is through making the decision to invest in some play and growth in Iceland


Diving deep into healing conversations, finding that strength already inside, and letting it be captured in photos in Utah.

And Now... once per year, bring the one you love along.

Let's look at our good relationships and how to make them great

as you lean into each other and learn not so well known tools of touch and energy exchange

that can unlock deeper trust, connection, love, and passion.

Check out the Details of the Retreat that Resonates, then Get Registered!

Let's Heal, Grow, Adventure, and Play Together!

Northern Utah Grow As We Go Retreat June 2021

Southern Utah Rise Within April 2023

Northern Utah Grow As We Go Retreat October 2022

Iceland Divorcee Rise Within Retreat June 2023

"The retreat was about finding me again, loving who I am, who l've become, feeling empowered to be ME and embracing and holding space for my inner child. Healing is a beautiful gift!"

©2023 This Is Ashlynn, LLC